Vunerable Defendants: Fair Access to Justice – What are the Facts?

The statistics are clear that vulnerable young people and adults are over represented in the Criminal Justice System.  Jenny Talbot from The Prison Reform Trust continues to raise awareness of the disadvantages of offenders with language and communication difficulties.  What are the Facts..?

  • Over 60% of children who offend have communication difficulties and, of this group, around half have poor or very poor communication skills

• Around a quarter of children who offend have an IQ of less than 70

• 7% of adult prisoners have an IQ of less than 70 and a further 25% have an IQ 70-79; it is generally acknowledged that between 5 and 10% of the adult offender population has a learning disability

• 43% of children on community orders have emotional and health needs, and the prevalence amongst children in custody is higher

• 39% of adult offenders under supervision in one probation area had a current mental illness, and 49% had a past/lifetime mental illness

• 75% of adult prisoners have a dual diagnosis (mental health problems combined with alcohol or drug misuse).

           Fair Access to Justice?  Click here

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